"How to handle the haunted"

Films: The Conjuring (2013), Annabelle (2014), The Conjuring 2 (2016), Annabelle: Creation (2017), The Nun (2018), The Curse of La Llorona (2019), Annabelle Comes Home (2019)

Alias: Annabelle, Valak (the Nun, the Crooked Man), Bathsheba, Bill Wilkins the Enfield Poltergeist, La Llorona

Type: Mystical

Location: Haunted Home/Civilized Area

Height/Weight: Ranges from that of a small doll to twice that of average humans.

Affiliation: Good (Bill), Evil (the rest)

Summary: When you find that your house is suddenly a hotspot for paranormal activity, don't expect the Ghostbusters to come at your aid. Sometimes, all you need is a nice couple of investigators who have been battling the forces of evil for years.

History: If there's anyone who knows a thing or two about the kind of malevolence the powers of Hell are capable of, it's the Warrens. This couple has been banishing/capturing evil spirits for as long as they can remember, and they've encountered a frightening array of villains. A particularly tenacious one is Annabelle, an old doll that got possessed by a demon after a family did everything to bring their daughter back. Other threats include the sadistic child-killing ghost Bathsheba and La Llorona, a madwoman who was banned from the Afterlife after murdering her children (the Warrens hate child-killers, if you couldn't tell). But the worst demon of them all is Valak, one of the most powerful demons of Hell, who was so monstrous he had to be sealed away with the blood of Christ himself before he got free and took the form of a nun for a long time. That, or he takes the form of the Crooked Man to f*ck with his victims first.

Notable Kills: Nothing special.

Final Fate: Again and again, the demons and restless spirits are banished from our realm for really long times, some possibly being permanent like Bathsheba. But as long as the Warrens live, so too will Valak's burning desire for revenge and Annabelle's stubborn persistence in causing mayhem.

Powers/Abilities: All beings are capable of omnipotent power, mostly possession and psychic powers. Only Valak has been shown to shapeshift into other creatures, as well as control other spirits. He is also the only foe that can resist holy objects and rituals for a time.

Weakness: Holy rituals/artifacts. Also, remembering Valak's true identity can severely weaken him. Some spirits, like Annabelle, can be imprisoned rather simply.

Scariness Factor: 4-The beings that the Warrens fight against may have their weaknesses, but Heaven help you if you can't find help fast! You have your standard ghosts like Bathsheba and La Llorona, but then there's Annabelle, who just looks creepy and has one heck of a body count. Then Valak shows up and makes Annabelle look like an amateur. All of his forms, from the Kubrick-stare master Nun to the F*CKING CROOKED MAN, exist to just exude evil and fright. And that's not even getting into his rarely-seen true form, which is pretty much the big black horned devil you'd expect him to be...

Trivia: -Valak is an actual demon from, like a lot of possession movie demons it seems, the Goetia. He is actually the President of Hell, said to command more than 30 hordes of demons, though he's described as a young angelic person riding a two-headed dragon that’s capable of finding treasures like no other being.

-The whole franchise is based on the fact that Ed and Lorraine Warren were two very real paranormal investigators, though only Ed is still alive, with Lorraine having died in 2019 at the age of 92. These two earned their reputations, with over 10,000 investigations to their name, including the Amityville hauntings, of that they were one of the first to get to the bottom of. And yes, they own a museum dedicated to all the haunted artifacts they've found.

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With this noose, a nightmare starts FOR YEARS.

"Something smells funny."

Her eyes were filled with rasberry jam.

Pregnant and with a devil doll. Kinda like matches and kerosene.

Here we go again!

Upon ringing the crooked bell, his crooked life SPIRALED into a crooked Hell!

Anyone else expecting Samara?

"Give me top billing or I throw this franchise down the drain!"

Oh, you've gotta be...


She likes the attention.

Here we go again AGAIN!
You sure you don't wanna invest in flashlights next time?


RIGHT off the starting gate, this spin-off.

One-sided staring contest, go!

In films like this, GOD CAN'T HELP YOU...at least, until the climax.

Crookedly dapper!

This is gonna throttle the rent, these holes.

Into the mouth of blandness.

All rehash and no play makes Annabelle a dull girl.

Maybe the demon likes the transport options of this doll.

The heartwarming tale of two kids and...wait a minute.

Might want to get your eyeliner checked.
"See you in a bajillion movies."

"I'LL SWALLOW YOUR SOUL! Oh, and invest in better clothes."

"Demons should never appear in horror films? ALLOW ME TO INTRODUCE MYSELF."

I figured a Nosferatu was next in line.

Trapped audience, Valak. Valak, trapped audience.

"I want fuit gummy! GIMME FUIT GUMMY!"

Valak, get your face checked already.


¿Es esto lo mejor que puedes hacer?

"Could somebody move this hood up? This was a bad fashion choice.
No closet action here. Just terror.

Demon-man! Demon-man! Does whatever a demon can!

Worst British teeth ever.


Say what you will, but he/she's got a look that could kill an army.

What do you get when you cross a great white with Mother Superior?

All that's missing is Valak's mug showing up.

"I'm also here! Now, could somebody hand me some REAL change?"

Well, we WERE close to Halloween. I think. I don't even care.
